LOCKDOWN2.0 - Use this time to improve something #2

Many of us have had to reset our '20/21 season objectives several times.

Now with racing postponed or cancelled again, our thoughts have turned to the future.

I have decided to stop worrying about trying to be race fit and am focussing on building for next year. 

This means returning to building my aerobic engine as well as strength and conditioning training (I broke my collar bone in July so have some ground to make up). 

Over the coming weeks we will be making suggestions of things that you can do during this downtime to improve something... 

Number one was to read THE CYCLOCROSS BIBLE and to go out and practice your mud cornering. 

For number two we'd like you to listen to this podcast.

From TrainerRoad about three years ago, this is one of the most influential podcasts that we can think of. 

It takes a little time to get going so stick with it, and is in a very American style. 

But the rapid improvements you can make to your CX riding by implementing bending from your hips, bike/body separation and aiming for flow are brilliant. 

We know it says "Faster Mountain Biker" in the title but the ideas and techniques translate very well to CX. 

Take a listen - we think you'll get a lot from it.


Take a look at our other articles - https://cyclocrossracer.co.uk/blogs/cyclo-cross-racer-ideas-reviews-and-advice